Press card for the Bundestag

The German Bundestag is the political centre of Germany, where laws are passed, debates are held and decisions are made that affect the whole country. Journalists have the task of making the work of the government transparent, analysing the background and informing the public objectively.

A press pass for the Bundestag is essential for members of the media to gain access to press conferences, meetings and interviews with politicians. Without official accreditation, access to many areas of the Bundestag is not possible.

Why is a press card important for the Bundestag?

The Bundestag is a security-critical area with access restrictions. Journalists must be able to identify themselves in order to gain access and carry out their work effectively.

Areas accessible with a press card:

  • Plenary chamber and public gallery to follow debates live
  • Press conferences and background discussions with members of the government and MPs
  • Exclusive press areas for interviews and journalistic research
  • Committee meetings, unless confidentiality is required
  • Corridors and lobbies of the Bundestag to have spontaneous conversations with politicians

Advantages of a press card for the Bundestag

An official press card makes it much easier for journalists to report from the political centre of Germany.

  • Fast accreditation for the Bundestag and other political institutions
  • Exclusive background information through access to press briefings and confidential meetings
  • Direct communication with MPs, government spokespersons and members of parliamentary groups
  • Access to special media rooms with workstations and direct connection to press offices
  • Easier research work, as a lot of information is not publicly accessible

How do I get accreditation for the Bundestag?

A press card alone is not enough to gain access to the Bundestag. Journalists must also obtain accreditation from the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government.

Requirements for federal accreditation:

  1. Proof of journalistic activity (e.g. through an official press card)
  2. Editorial confirmation or regular publications in recognised media
  3. Application via the Bundestag Press Centre with security check
  4. Applying for a temporary or permanent access pass

Accreditation can be requested for individual sessions, longer periods or as permanent accreditation for parliamentary journalists.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is a press card sufficient for access to the Bundestag?
No, additional accreditation with the Bundestag is required. However, a press card serves as proof of journalistic activity.

Who can apply for Bundestag accreditation?
Only full-time journalists who regularly report on the Bundestag and publish in recognised media.

How long does accreditation take?
The processing time may vary depending on the application. Short-term accreditations are available more quickly, permanent accreditations require a security check.

Is it possible to gain access to the Bundestag without a press card?
No, journalistic accreditation requires proof of professional media work, often in the form of a press card.

Is accreditation for the Bundestag free of charge?
Yes, the accreditation itself is free of charge, but all requirements must be met.


A press card for the Bundestag is a crucial tool for political journalists. It facilitates access to important information, enables exclusive interviews and supports professional reporting on German politics. Anyone who regularly reports on the Bundestag should apply for accreditation at an early stage in order to gain unrestricted access to relevant sessions and events.